(C)2024 The Recording Industry Is Dead, Records | Site design by www.beepea.co.uk
Preston, Lancashire based ‘Those Fucking Snowflakes’ are a vibrant clash of left wing punk, noise rock and jazz tinged math, a band formed as a means to scream out the dread and horror faced in these terrible times of our modern society. From the current mess of the UK political system to the intolerance of, well, everything. From race and gender to such simple items as Greggs releasing a Vegan Sausage Roll, the band are shouting about it backed with a tight unique sound and occasional off kilter humour.
‘deploying 1000 volts through the civility of discourse’
Those Fucking Snowflakes released their debut song ‘Stop Being Dickheads To Each Other’ in October which quickly gained a massive amount of support from Tom Robinson at BBC 6music. Tom fought hard to get an otherwise ‘unsuitable for radio’ band onto the airwaves via 6music. He even invited them down to the BBC Introducing Festival to do a quick guest spot with Jason Williamson of Sleaford Mods during his panel.
The band were formed just as an outlet to get a bit of tension off their chests, intending only to really gig around the local area. They found they liked the music they were making, not concerned with conforming to trends or current music - more interested in challenging themselves. A few other people seemed to like the music they made and here we are now, with you reading this awkward text written by people who hate talking about themselves.
The band have self released two EP’s - ‘U Ok Hun?’ and ‘Straight Wealthy White Male Suffrage’ on their own label ‘The Recording Industry Is Dead, Records’. January 2021 saw the release of third EP ‘Everything Is Absolutely Fkkkkkkd’ on Punk legend John Robb’s - Louder Than War Records.
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